Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gardening as a Sanctuary for Refugees!

Today I read a USAToday article titled, Urban Gardens Allow Refugees to Plant Roots, which spoke about how refugees from countries such as Burma and Togo are finding solace in participating in community gardens across the United States. This article really got to me because as a gardener, I can attest to gardening's calming influence on my life, and I am happy that community organizers dedicated to helping refugees from war-torn areas recognize this. Most of these refugees come from areas in the globe that are not as developed as the U.S and where people rely heavily on sustainable agriculture to survive. Allowing refugees to garden in communities helps them deal with the stress of language and cultural barriers and makes them feel more at home. I'm glad the love of gardening is universal!

Check out my site on organic vegetable gardening-

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Grow Big Beautiful Fruits and Vegetables!

Large heirloom tomato growing in my vegetable garden
Large heirloom tomato growing in my vegetable garden
Growing big, beautiful fruits and vegetables took a lot of effort and trial and error. I spent hours searching online for ways to increase my harvest and I discovered that I wasn't treating my soil right for it to support abundant growth. As you know, after every growing season, the soil loses vital minerals and nutrients, but what I didn't know is that I needed to actively treat and care for the soil for it to be fertile again. I've tried different types of plant food and fertilizers, but one thing I found that ABSOLUTELY works is Miracle Gro Organic Choice Garden Soil. Check out my article: Grow Bigger and More Delicious Vegetables in Your Garden! for how to use this wonder product.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Grow Your Own Pharmacy In Your Home Vegetable Garden!

Basil herb growing in the vegetable garden
Basil is a great medicinal herb that can be used to treat  colds and fevers.
With health care costs high and the risks of modern-day medicine becoming more known, people are starting to look at herbal medicine as a viable alternative in treating common illnesses. Of course, herbal medicine has been around since the dawn of mankind, but only in the past few decades has Western medicine begun to integrate ancient herbal medicine in practice. Herbs can be used to treat illnesses such as colds, fevers, stomach pains, and inflammation. Some herbs have even been implicated in certain cancers. Growing medicinal herbs in your garden is a great way to promote a healthier lifestyle and a closer relationship to the environment. Check out my slideshow for a list of medicinal herbs you can try growing: Medicinal Herbs

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Is That Food Labeled "All Natural"... Really All Natural?

Did you know that in the United States, the food label “all natural” is essentially meaningless and is used as marketing ploy by food companies to get consumers to buy their products. Do you think your morning juice should be labeled “all natural “if it contains high fructose corn syrup? Read my take on misleading, ambiguous food labels.  All Natural?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Organic Bell Pepper and Habanero Vegetable Garden

Hi, just wanted to share with you a video I posted showing how my bell pepper and habanero plants are doing. It takes about 3 months for these peppers to start coming up so I am excited to start seeing them in my garden. Check out my website- A Tomato Grows in Queens where I share my thoughts on organic gardening and tips on starting a vegetable garden

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables: Habanero Pepper

Habanero peppers growing in my organic vegetable garden
Habanero peppers forming in my vegetable garden
Habanero pepper plants are popular vegetables to grow in the garden and require little expertise  Habaneros are one of the spiciest pepper species in the world, with a Scoville scale ranging from 80,000 to 600,000! Sunlight, water, and care-- that's all habaneros need to grow, and because habanero plants are perrenials, they can continue to grow and produce hundreds of habaneros, as long as the weather conditions are warn and growing conditions are good. Check out my webpage, 'How to Grow Spicy Habanero Peppers' for fun facts and tips on growing this hot treat. 

Vegetable Gardening is on the Rise!

Across the United States, more people are starting vegetable gardens in their home. Growing your own fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs promotes healthy eating habits and saves you money in grocery shopping. Most importantly, growing your own organic food gives you a sense of peace knowing your food contains no pesticides, herbicides, and other artificial chemicals that may be harmful to your body. If you want to see a vegetable garden grown in New York City of all places, check out my Squidoo page- Urban Gardening Right in Your Backyard!